Brand Assets
Logos, badges, and font
Last updated
Logos, badges, and font
Last updated
Overnight logo - to be used when referencing Overnight the platform and protocol
OVN mascot ref sheet - Nightly
OVN logo - to be used when referencing the OVN token on websites and UIs
OVN INS logo - to be used when referencing the OVN INS token on websites and UIs
USD+ logo - to be used when referencing the USD+ stable coin on websites and UIs
wUSD+ logo - to be used when referencing the USD+ stable coin on websites and UIs
USDT+ logo - to be used when referencing the USDT+ stable coin on websites and UIs
USDC+ logo - to be used when referencing the USDC+ on websites and UIs
DAI+ logo - to be used when referencing the DAI+ stable coin on websites and UIs
ETH+ logo - to be used when referencing the ETH+ on websites and UIs
wETH+ logo - to be used when referencing the wETH+ on websites and UIs
xUSD logo - to be used when referencing the xUSD on websites and UIs
wxUSD logo - to be used when referencing the wxUSD on websites and UIs
Primary brand colours: #0F172A, #0497EC, #FFFFFF
Secondary brand colours: #8CCCF9, #E3F2FD, #687386, #A9D355, #FFDF77, #FF6B6C
Red Hat Display